Published: 15/02/2021 By Donna Cowan
Bailiff eviction ban extended until March 31A BAN on bailiffs evicting renters in England has been extended until the end of March to prevent thousands from losing their homes.
The extension continues to leave many buy-to-let landlords facing financial hardship as they operate without receiving rental income, according to the National Residential Landlords Association (NRLA).
Never has it been more important for Landlords to protect themselves.
Greenwood Property Consultants are one of the few Letting agents that provide free rent warranty as part of their full management service for the first 12 months.
Prospective Tenants are fully referenced through Homelet ensuring the right fit is found for each property and advice is always at hand to help navigate Landlords through the mind-field of laws and regulations.
For more details on the eviction ban;